
股票入门基础知识_炒股入门与技巧_怎么买股票 - 股票学习网!


2024-04-26 20:11分类:解套方法 阅读:

作者:皈依佛 皈依法 皈依僧

作者:皈依佛 皈依法 皈依僧







1. 上证指数的2月,11月上涨概率大,上涨幅度也最大

2. 中7月,9月,10月行情往往不太好,历史下跌幅度一般大于上涨幅度。

3. 夏天的行情往往较为低迷,春秋的行情往往更好


通过,了解了股市规律,希望能对您带来借鉴,当然我们也必须知道,这些特别的月份也是一种概率,而且数据有限,不完全正确,只能作为您的参考. 只要能对您有用就是笔者最大的欣慰,谢谢

作者:皈依佛 皈依法 皈依僧





1. EOD——end of day

2. OOO——out of office

3. BIT——break it down

4. ETA——estimated time of arrival

5. EOM——end of message

6. EOW——end of week

7. EOT——end of thread

8. FTE——full-time employee

9. PTE——part-time employee

10. PTO——paid time off

11. COB——close of business

12. IAM——in a meeting

13. POC——point of contact

14. MTD——month to date

15. IMO——in my opinion(IMHO——in my humble opinion)

16. NRN——no reply necessary

17. MoM——month over month

18. NIM——no internal message

19. PA——performance appraisal

20. NSFW——not safe for work/not suitable for work

21. NWR——non-work-related

22. RFD——request for discussion

23. LET——leaving early today

24. FWIW——for what it's worth

25. KISS——keep it simple, stupid

26. LMK——let me know

27. IOU——I owe you

28. ASAP——as soon as possible

29. OT——off-topic

30. OTP——on the phone

31. RE——referring to

32. TL;DR——too long, didn't read

33. TED——tell, explain, describe

34. SME——subject matter expert

35. CPU——central processing unit

36. VPN——virtual private network

37. QA——quality assurance

38. ISP——internet service provider

39. URL——universal resource locator

40. UX——user experience

41. LWOP——leave without pay

42. NAV——net asset value

43. ROI——return on investment

44. COGS——cost of goods sold

45. CPU——cost per unit

46. ACCT——account

47. CR——credit

48. DR——debit

49. BS——balance sheet

50. EPS——earnings per share

51. TYT——take your time

52. SMART——specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound(for setting goals)

53. TLTR——too long to read

54. TOS——terms of service

55. AP——accounts payable

56. AR——accounts receivable

57. YTD——year to date

58. WOM——word of mouth

59. FIFO——first in, first out

60. IPO——initial public offering

61. P-Card——purchase card

62. ROA——return on assets

63. ROE——return on equity

64. P/E——price-to-earnings

65. P-and-L——profit and loss

66. PM——project manager

67. CFP——certified financial planner

68. CTO——chief technology officer

69. COO——chief operating officer

70. R-and-D——research and development

71. CPA——certified public accountant

72. IM——instant message/ instant messenger

73. CSR——corporate social responsibility

74. DOE——depending on experience

75. PR——public relations

76. B2B——business-to-business

77. B2C——business-to-consumer/ business-to-customer

78. CMS——content management system

79. BR——bounce rate(of a website)

80. CTA——call to action

81. CPC——cost per click

82. CR——conversion rate

83. KPI——key performance indicator

84. CTR——click-through rate

85. DM——direct message

86. CRM——customer relationship management

87. ESP——email service provider

88. PPC——pay-per-click

89. SaaS——software as a service

90. RFP——request for proposal

91. CSO——chief security officer

92. RT——retweet

93. SMB——small to medium business

94. SWOT——strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats(for business analysis)

95. SEO——search engine optimization

96. CAO——chief administrative officer

97. CFO——chief financial officer

98. CEO——chief executive officer

99. CMO——chief marketing officer

100. HR——human resources





上一篇:今日热门股票排行榜 热门股票排行


